Individual Membership
Join AWT today as an individual member and gain access to online resources, education, reduced pricing, and a vast water treatment network!
Designed for people who are not eligible for water treatment company membership, AWT is offering a special introductory rate of $275 for the 2023 membership year to experience what this community has to offer.
A full list of benefits as an individual can be found here.
Have questions? Check out our FAQ
Who was this category designed for?
Any individual who wishes to be a part of the AWT community who cannot otherwise qualify under a water treatment company (WTC) or water treatment supplier (WTS) membership.
What are the primary benefits of joining as an individual member?
Discounted pricing to all in-person AWT events, members-online webinar content, committee participation, and networking opportunities. To see the full benefit list click here.
Are individual members restricted from any AWT benefits?
Yes. Individual members may not vote in AWT elections, sit on the AWT Board, or chair AWT committees. To see the full benefit list, click here.
What is the primary difference between individual and company membership?
Company membership will provide benefits to all employees at a qualified water treatment company (WTC). Individual membership will only extend to the individual who has purchased it. If your company qualifies for WTC membership, we strongly encourage you to join as a WTC company since it will provide more value per person.
Can I share an individual membership with someone?
No. Benefits for an individual will extend to the individual only. Persons who wish to receive benefits for both them and everyone else in their company
I have a WTC membership right now as an owner. What happens if I switch to individual membership?
All employees of your company would lose their benefits. The owner of the company would also lose the ability to vote in AWT elections, chair AWT committees, or serve on the AWT Board. The company would also be prohibited from using the WTC logo on its website. To view a full comparison of benefits, please click here.